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The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has come in for some pretty positive reviews, thank you to its bright display, fast processor, and overall solid value. Not every bit many people beloved the lack of a memory card slot and removable battery this time around, especially because (and despite erroneous early reports) the lack of a 128GB internal storage pick.

Similarly, not everyone needs the included Wacom-powered stylus. Just it'south really what makes a Note a Notation, and Samsung has improved it to the point where you can even write on the screen while it'southward off and information technology volition record your memos. That said, several reviewers have found a serious flaw. If you put the stylus back into the telephone backwards — easy to practise if you lot're not paying close attention, given the shape of the stylus and the slot — it reallybreaks the phone.

Here's what happens: Whenever you desire to squirt the stylus, you press on it, and a little leap-loaded mechanism pops it out slightly, then you lot can pull information technology out the residuum of the manner. Inserting the stylus dorsum in will deliver the same positive feedback as the mechanism clicks it into identify. This mechanism is new to the Milky way Note 5, and it works well in practice. And then far, and so good.

The problem is, you can also insert the stylus all the way into the slot backwards. When yous practice then, it gets stuck. And so, when you attempt and pull it out forcibly, it breaks the stylus detection mechanism, which is how the Air Control software works the manner it does — including that nifty ability to write on the screen while the phone is off.

And only like that, you lot've cleaved a very expensive, brand new telephone.

Information technology seems unbelievable to me that no ane at Samsung tested this during the QA process somewhere far plenty along the line to know if production models volition have the problem, but here nosotros are. For now, it's a unproblematic warranty replacement consequence if you but bought the phone. But if this happens to you two or three months down the line, you won't be able to return the phone and will have to deal with whatever carrier or vendor you bought the phone from in order to get it replaced — unless Samsung bug a recall, of course.

In the concurrently, if y'all've got a Galaxy Note 5, be extra careful with the stylus, and let us know in the comments if you learn anything new about this problem or have run into it yourself.

Update i:22pm: Samsung has at present issued a response, which I'll quote here: "We highly recommend our Galaxy Annotation 5 users follow the instructions in the user guide to ensure they do not experience such an unexpected scenario caused past reinserting the S-Pen in the other fashion effectually." And then you're on your own, basically.

For more, read Samsung Milky way Note 5 vs. Galaxy S6: More similar than e'er and Samsung Galaxy Note 5 vs. LG G4: The struggle between modular and premium design.