
How Many Subscribers Do I Need To Make Money

Around the world, v billion YouTube videos are watched every day. YouTube is equally popular as e'er with users spending an average of xl minutes per YouTube session.

In addition, 2 out of three potential buyers have a look at YouTube videos ownership a product or service.

In line with this digital shift, the adjacent thing y'all should learn is how to brand money on YouTube. All you demand is video editing software and a reckoner and you tin get started on YouTube.

For example, on Ryan's Toy Review, young Ryan makes a whopping $22 million by playing around and disassembling toys. Smashing for playing effectually with gadgets.

Making money on YouTube is no longer exclusive to a select few platinum musicians, specific entrepreneurs or huge influencers.

There are plenty of opportunities for everyday people to make money from YouTube.

However, you have to be more strategic in your arroyo.

In this commodity, I'll go over the different means y'all can get-go making money on YouTube this year.

Permit's get started.

Disclaimer: I receive affiliate compensation for some of the links below at no cost to y'all. Notwithstanding, these are the best tools I take used and tested that I believe are nigh effective for making money on YouTube. You can read our total affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

How to Make Money on YouTube

While it is possible to brand significant income from your YouTube business relationship as a content creator, it is non the easiest either.

500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every unmarried minute beyond the world.

Numbers don't lie.

Therefore the competition is pretty intense, and making a lot of coin online becomes more challenging.

Here are some powerful strategies y'all can utilize to jumpstart your earning potential from YouTube.

1. YouTube Monetization: Employ chapter links on YouTube.

Promoting affiliate links tin can be a massive earning opportunity for channels that offering in-depth tutorials every bit well equally insightful product reviews.

For instance, if y'all recommend a production and a user visits your link to buy, you'll start earning commissions.

You can identify these links in the starting time few lines of your description and speak about your link in your video content.

Posting affiliate links on YouTube shares a typical resemblance to promoting affiliate links on your blog.

Thus, you shouldn't pour chapter links all over your YouTube content just for the monetary benefit (afterwards all you lot want your videos to be seen equally exclusive content that your audience can't just go anywhere else).

Don't forget that viewers will only follow these links when they believe you are a trusted resource.

To build trust with your viewership and go more subscribers, help them solve concrete bug and provide tutorials.

As a bonus, you can create videos that offer solutions y'all have previously achieved yourself.

There are enough of affiliate programs for yous to join.

Yous tin join many different programs in one identify on a popular affiliate network similar Shareasale or Awin.

The best YouTube premium revenue tin be earned by starting a blog in unison with your YouTube channel and add together affiliate links at that place also.

That way, you're monetizing YouTube (while keeping in mind monetization policies and eligibility requirements) and too have a website on a platform that you ain yourself.

The first pace for beginners starting a blog is to get started with Bluehost spider web hosting.

Bluehost Get Started

Bluehost is the "official" recommended web hosting platform and y'all tin read my full Bluehost review here.

Here's how to become started:

  1. Go to and click Get Started
  2. Choose your hosting plan ($2.95/month is cheapest with my link)
  3. Enter a new website domain proper name or select one you already own
  4. Enter your account data, business relationship plan, and billing information
  5. You lot can uncheck the add together-ons Sitelock Security and Codeguard Basic
  6. Click Submit and yous're gear up to go!

2. Become a YouTube Partner and earn from video ads.

For many YouTubers, ads are the most essential YouTube income stream.

Equally a YouTube Partner, you make money in different ways.

You can brand money from ads before your videos, aqueduct memberships, or Google AdSense banner ads.

All the same, at that place are some ground rules to notice earlier becoming a certified YouTube Partner besides as some prerequisites needed to start.

Aside from adhering to YouTube'south ad rules, you must amass a minimum of four,000 video watch hours on your channel in the terminal 12 months and have 1,000 subscribers.

There is no concrete timeline or format to get these foundational 4,000 hours. You lot can get 100 hours each on 40 youtube videos or any combination to become your total to 4,000.

YouTube Partner Program Requirements

For example, the famous international hit Gangnam Mode took an enduring v months to achieve 1 billion views.

Still, Despacito concluded up existence a viral video much faster, rushing to ane billion views in barely 97 days.

Afterward successfully achieving the iv,000 hr-threshold and winning your identify as a YouTube Partner, you can starting time to earn money from ads.

Nevertheless, you may non ever be able to base of operations your revenue generation on YouTube from ad lone.

In that location are other avenues by which yous can consolidate your earning potential on YouTube.

Doing a alive stream here and there is besides a great way to earn coin. People love the alive chemical element and the real-time cistron.

If you lot accept a loyal fan base who religiously watch your stream, and so they will definitely want to buy from you.

In addition, the ability to have super chat and super stickers is something that YouTube has introduced.

With these features, your YouTube premium subscribers can buy chat messages that are different than regular ones that can be put at the pinnacle of your chat feedback.

This ways that in that location is another revenue stream that you can profit from. This tin be a great fashion to earn money from your fans other than the ads you have on your videos.

three. Make Coin on YouTube with Funding from Your Fans.

If you've built a post-obit of loyal fans, encouraging them to crowdfund your aqueduct tin help you fund your new videos and profit.

A crowdfunding platform like Patreon introduces more seamlessness to the process of getting paid for your content.

For as piddling as a dollar, your fans can make subscriptions to their favorite channels, even going home with some exclusive rewards from their favorite content YouTube creators.


Tipee is another service that allows you to bask a combo of recurring and one-time donations.

For-profit and nonprofit channels alike are leveraging this fan-funding with their audience to keep their video operations running smoothly.

Every bit long equally the blazon of content yous create is interesting, entertaining, or providing value, y'all would exist amazed at how your viewers open up the floodgates of generosity.

Understanding the demographics of your audience is also crucial when deciding how to ask for donations.

4. Master Your YouTube SEO.

For video creators who have not built a pregnant following however, you lot have to step upward your game and maximize YouTube SEO this year.

To do that, perform keyword research like you usually would – yet, think a little differently based on what people are searching for on YouTube.

Adjacent, make sure you lot are using high-value keywords in your video title, description, and video tags.

In one case launched, y'all can cheque your YouTube "Traffic Source: YouTube search" written report to become an thought of what people are searching for when they observe your hosted videos.

In general, Google provides video results for keywords on how to, reviews, tutorials, and funny video terms.

At that place are also five key YouTube SEO ranking factors to consider:

  • Number of comments
  • Subscribes afterward watching a video
  • Thumbs up/thumbs downwards ratio
  • Video length
  • Click-through-rate on the YouTube search results
YouTube SEO Infographic


The basics of SEO, like having cracking content and getting linked to from high-quality channels, are still relevant in YouTube search results.

Go along in mind that it will merely go harder to rank on the first pages of Google for competitive keywords.

More videos get uploaded every minute to YouTube than all the other video databases combined!

So SEO is not an overnight procedure (only tin exist accelerated with these strategies).

A perk of YouTube that can be used to your advantage is that information technology'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to form partnerships and interact with the right people.

By letting another popular YouTube partner feature you in their videos or vice versa, information technology tin can bring a ton of new viewers to your own aqueduct.

But for this option, be sure to choose a relevant and loftier-traffic influencer who has a following that is similar (or ideally bigger) to yours.

To notice potential collaborators, search for other YouTubers on YouTube and detect those who have a aqueduct that is like to yours.

Yous tin can also search for potential collaborators on Google past typing: "your keyword" + "collaborate"

You can also consider doing shout-outs for other popular channels in exchange for them mentioning your channel too.

By working with other creators, y'all might be able to attract new fans who didn't know about your channel before.

5. Make the most of your YouTube marketing funnel.

Optimize your YouTube channel for sales. Cull your niche, get a YouTube partner, and first planning your marketing funnel.

YouTube is ane way to spread your bulletin, just you can brand more money by using YouTube in unison with a blog.

That way y'all're collecting more than email addresses and eventually selling products to your fan base.

For case, if you write a blog postal service about an affiliate product you're recommending, repurpose that content, and create a YouTube video embedded in the post.

youtube marketing funnel


Then send users from YouTube back to your web log and to the chapter links to both earn commissions and build blog readers.

Another groovy option is to connect your YouTube channel with an ecommerce platform like Shopify and sell merch. Here are some groovy YouTube merch stores to have inspiration from.

6. Become an Amazon Influencer.

The Amazon influencer programme is becoming more popular.

This influencer program allows you to maximize your YouTube (social media in general) presence to make coin via Amazon recommendations.

Afterward joining the program, y'all can review and recommend products and direct your viewers to Amazon to purchase via affiliate links.

When your viewers click through and make Amazon purchase, you lot get your cutting of the commissions – typically 8-10%.

In addition to product reviews, Amazon as well provides the power for content creators to promote their ain merch. This means that if someone buys your merch, y'all will get the full profit of the sale.

amazon influencer


You can also monetize your audience by leveraging Amazon's affiliate program without even having to fulfill an order yourself.

However, keep in heed that this program isn't open to everyone.

Social media follower count and other metrics dictate approval odds when it comes to Amazon's influencer marketing programs.

vii. Explore extra gains from YouTube Red Subscribers.

YouTube Red allows users to pay $nine.99 for ad-free YouTube viewing.

Even without YouTube ads, content creators can still generate money and make 55% of acquirement, based on view time.

At that place are mixed reviews on whether YouTube Red increases or decreases CPM rates.

YouTube Premium


With YouTube Cerise, your watch fourth dimension matters, so cheque your YouTube Analytics to view your statistics like watch time and video engagement.

How Much Money Can You lot Make on YouTube?

The brusque answer: information technology depends.

By using ad monetization, chapter links, and selling sponsored placements in your videos, you tin maximize your revenue potential.

On YouTube, there are many means to make coin. This tin happen from ads on a CPM, CPV, and CPC footing. With cost per impression (CPM), a typical YouTuber makes $7.60 per ane,000 views.

All the same, past Google policy, creators become 55% of earnings accrued from advertisements while Google keeps 45%.

Now if you are using affiliate marketing as a channel owner, advertisers disburse payment with dissimilar models – typically price per sale or cost per lead.

Hither, your earnings directly correlate with the number of conversions and auction commissions you lot become from advertisers.

Y'all can also sell sponsored production placements in your videos.

YouTube is quite advertiser-friendly in this regard because the platform makes money by selling either brusk mentions or more extended product recommendations on brands looking for exposure.

Still, if y'all have been able to build a measurable following on your aqueduct, brands will pay y'all.

The amount of money may range from $20 to $50 for every few one thousand YouTube views they get on your channel.

So if for example, their video on your channel hits millions of views, you tin exist dancing to the bank anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000.

This strategy is a improve way to monetize when you aren't generating millions of views.

How Much Money Do YouTubers Make?

For thousands of YouTubers, this answer may exist nothing, or barely anything.

For pop YouTubers, this could be a million dollars or more per year.

It's getting tougher to make coin, as ad revenue can range from $0.35 to $five per view, with the prophylactic assumption being $one per 1,000 views.



The profitability of your channel is tied to both your views and your niche.

YouTubers in highly-viewed niches similar listicles, news, celebrity gossip, makeup and dazzler, and popular fails quickly pull in acquirement with millions of views.

There are also YouTube revenue calculators to help y'all understand how much you can make based on video views and engagement.

How many views do you need to cash out on YouTube?

In one case you attain a balance of $100, YouTube pays you.

And can yous earn from YouTube on a pay-per-subscriber ground?

YouTubers merely rolled out a subscription service to YouTubers with loftier follower counts.

The Components Of A Successful YouTube Channel

Let's at present have a look at what it takes to have a successful Youtube aqueduct.

For this example, I'm going to employ my ain YouTube channel.

Let's start from the elevation.

Channel Art

channel art

This is the image that appears at the meridian of your channel. It's a not bad place to put a call-to-action or something really eye-catching.

In this case, I use a picture of my face, my logo, and text that is relevant to what I do.

This gives the viewer an idea of what I am about and what they'll be able to do by engaging with my aqueduct.

In that location's besides an image that points people to my website.

Phone call To Action Inside The Channel Art

cta within channel art

This is a great spot to put a call to action.

This tells viewers what you want them to exercise adjacent.

In my case, I accept a link to my free blogging masterclass, my TikTok, and my Instagram.

Profile Movie

youtube profile picture

A swell profile picture is a must! This is an paradigm that volition be e'er visible as it'south in the bottom left corner under each of your videos.

Ensure that the picture you lot choose is upwards to date.

If y'all're using a personal picture, a smile is infectious, so put one on!

YouTube channel name

In my case, I'g using my own proper name as the channel proper noun.

However, this tin can be anything – simply make certain information technology'south relevant to your content.

Aqueduct Trailer

channel trailer

A YouTube channel trailer is a short video that plays when the viewer lands on your new YouTube home page. Brand sure the video is engaging, interesting, and cursory!

The video will exist your chance at a first impression earlier the viewer even gets to your content.

The first few seconds are the most crucial. Ensuring that you make an impact with your aqueduct trailer is key.

Treat it like a movie trailer and give the audience a preview of what'southward to come.

A voiceover is optional, but you need to make sure your visuals match up with what you're maxim.

Aqueduct Trailer CTA and Description

Channel description and CTA

Again, this is your first impression to evangelize value to your visitors.

In my instance, I utilise a telephone call-to-action to invite people to join my gratuitous blogging masterclass.

The description then tells viewers what the video is all about and what they will get from watching information technology.

Recent Uploads

Recent uploads

This section shows the latest videos that you've uploaded.

This is a great place to feature your near recent videos and can exist used as some other opportunity to entice the audience into checking out your content.

If you have playlists, they can as well exist featured hither to make things easier for the viewer to consume your content.

How to Brand Money on YouTube FAQ.

How can I brand money on YouTube without ads?

If you aren't making a lot of money with ad views, at that place are plenty of other means to generate an income from your channel. Hither are some of the best options:

1. Add together affiliate links to your video descriptions to recommend products and earn commissions on every sale.
ii. Sell trade, t-shirts, and concrete products linked to your ecommerce platform.
three. Sell digital products, online courses, and eBooks.
4. Build your audience and go a YouTube sponsorship from a make.
5. If you're an expert in your niche, sell coaching and consulting services and charge an hourly rate.

Is it difficult to make money on YouTube?

It is pretty challenging to make money on YouTube and yep, there is some hustle involved. According to YouTube'southward customs guidelines, you lot must have i,000 subscribers and 4,000 lookout hours within the final 12 months to join YouTube's Partner Program. Then yous have to generate a lot of views and monitor your cost per view (CPV) to see how much money you lot brand for advertisements.

If yous don't take millions of views, one smashing style to monetize your channel is with affiliate marketing. You tin can review products or perform production tutorials and place affiliate links in your video description. That fashion, you can earn commissions on every sale and make more money than your advertising CPV.

I recommend you lot first a blog and couple that with your YouTube channel. That fashion you can promote chapter links on both your YouTube aqueduct and blog and embed your videos in your web log posts to get more views (and aid your SEO).

How much is 1,000 views worth on YouTube?

There is no definitive answer to how much ane,000 view is worth. Factors to consider include the manufacture yous're in, how many people click on your advertisements, and the country you are located in. This all factors into your boilerplate CPM.

Additionally, advertisers create a Google AdWords business relationship and choose their advertizement strategy based on either paying on a cost per view (CPV) or cost per click (CPC) ground.

For example, you lot could get $0 for 1 view and $v for another view if that viewer clicks on a high-value advertisement. A skilful dominion of thumb is to presume that you will earn $0.75 – $1.00 for one,000 views if y'all use imprint ads, or $6-7 per ane,000 views if you use ads that play earlier your video starts.

How many subscribers do you need to make money?

Based on the YouTube Partner Programme, you need 1,000 or more subscribers to be able to monetize your channel. You lot also demand at least 4,000 sentry hours within the final 12 months and have an agile Google AdSense account. Once you utilise and are accepted into YPP, you are allowed to set ad preferences and enable monetization for the videos you upload.

Who is the highest paid YouTuber?

The summit YouTube stars bring in millions of dollars a twelvemonth past monetizing their YouTube channels. Here is a list of the highest-paid YouTubers based on yearly revenue in 2019:
1. Ryan Kaji: $26 one thousand thousand.
2. Dude Perfect: $xx meg.
three. Anastasia Radzinskaya: $eighteen one thousand thousand.
four. Rhett and Link: $17.5 1000000.
5. Jeffree Star: $17 one thousand thousand.
6. Preston: $xiv meg.
7. PewDiePie: $xiii million.
8. Markiplier: $xiii one thousand thousand.
8. DanTDM: $12 million.

What is the best mode to make money on YouTube?

The best fashion to make money on YouTube is by having a consistent theme to your videos whether it be comedy, education, review or vlogging.
Youtube will identify ads at the showtime or end of certain videos and pay you when someone views these ads.
The more subscribers, views and comments your video has, the more money Youtube will offering when someone advertises their products on your videos!

Why aren't my videos making any money?

This question has a lot of possible answers.
Firstly, your viewers might not exist watching all the ads that YouTube places for you.
Secondly, your videos may not be engaging enough for people to watch the ads.
Lastly, your video content itself may have few advertisements to cull from considering of their theme.

What kind of equipment do y'all need for YouTube?

Basically a computer and a expert quality webcam.
You lot tin can also buy a microphone if you want to have more clear sound.
It is highly recommended to have a good quality photographic camera to picture show your video.
Brand sure the lighting is adequate plenty so you lot are visible!

Where tin I get video editing software to make YouTube videos?

This listing of the all-time video editing software is a dandy place to outset.
In addition, YouTube Studio is an application adult by Google that allows you to edit videos, add intros and outros, speed upwardly or slow down the pace of your video, change the music in your video, etc.
If y'all want to be able to brand changes later on (for example edit an quondam video once again), it is recommended to make a re-create of your original file.

Tin I apply copyrighted music in my videos?

No! If you violate copyright, YouTube will not just take downwardly your video but they also have the correct to restrict monetization from your future videos.
There are a lot of legal alternatives for music on YouTube anyway and so it is recommended to notice noncopyrighted music for your videos.

What should I championship my videos on YouTube?

This depends on what you would similar to portray with your video. If you want to add keywords for SEO purposes, use the relevant ones in the title of your video.
This mode, people who are searching specific things volition find your channel easier and in turn, yous volition get more than traffic to your channel.

How much does it cost to kickoff a channel on YouTube?

Nix! You can have an account completely costless of accuse and so why not try it out?

How do you become popular on YouTube?

This is a question with a multitude of answers.
The general consensus from YouTubers is that you should exist consequent in your content, have good quality videos, and engage with your subscribers/viewers.
In addition, taking the time to research topics that interest you lot will add to the quality of your videos and add more item and accuracy to your videos.
Ask people that sentinel your videos to leave comments and subscribe in order to increase your chances of becoming pop.

That'due south a Wrap.

Making coin on YouTube is possible, simply it's hard to brand money with just YouTube solitary.

It's vital to have a platform that you ain similar a blog and utilize YouTube every bit a secondary traffic stream.

I benefit is that YouTube SEO is not still every bit competitive equally organic SEO.

If you can get in now and showtime generating traffic, you'll be a better place by 2020 when the competition is more tearing.

My advice: commencement a web log with a high-terminate marketing funnel, then join YouTube every bit a secondary way to build your electronic mail list and generate affiliate income.

The best fashion to practise this is by starting a blog with Bluehost in unison with your YouTube channel.

Reminder: here's how to get started:

  1. Go to and click Get Started
  2. Choose your hosting plan ($2.95/calendar month is cheapest with my link)
  3. Enter a new website domain name or select one you already ain
  4. Enter your account information, account plan, and billing information
  5. You lot tin can uncheck the add-ons Sitelock Security and Codeguard Basic
  6. Click Submit and you're gear up to become!

Feel gratuitous to use some of these YouTube monetization tips to launch your channel and build your audience of avid viewers this yr.

Recommended Resources on For more inspiration on making money with video, bank check out my reviews of the all-time video editing software and my guide to selling online courses.


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